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Can an s corp own an s corp Form: What You Should Know

Walk-throughs. Individuals aren't taxed on S corporation distributions. S corp shareholder elects to pay tax at a corporate level, not a personal level. S corporation owner is considered a “shareholder” for the purposes of withholding tax on S corporation distributions. There's no need for the owner to disclose his/her S corporation relationship on his tax filing statement. S-Corp.com | Start an S corp online What's an “S-Corp” An S corporation describes a legal entity created by an individual to hold property through S corporation-like financial rules and rules for investment The S corporation has its own set of rules. These rules govern the distribution of income and how much money shareholders receive. S corporation owner (owner, not investor or shareholder of an individual's S corporation) owns property through the S corporation and shares the same risk as other investors, if the S corporation fails. S corporation ownership isn't taxable unless owner receives wages and other income from the property. The S corporation doesn't have to pay payroll taxes. The owners aren't liable for income tax on income that exceeds its capital and use tax. The S corp must keep accurate books and records. Each member must sign a statement of account, and the books and records must be open for inspection. Only the members benefit from S corporation's investment tax advantages; non-members, such as partners and directors, do not. S Corporation.com | Get an S Corp Certificate for Tax Deduction | Wolters Kluwer Which Business Owners Can Use An S Corp? The S corporation is a different type of business than a sole proprietorship or partnership. It can operate a business on a limited basis, or in multiple business activities. There the owner can take on more than one business in one S corporation. There you might do some of the same activities as your business partners. You don't have to have the same skill set or experience to start a business as your business partner. If the S corporation is small, you might start another for profit business and leave the first S corporation for day to day operations of that business. Example: We have three small businesses: an antique business, an antique restoration business, and an oil and gas service business. We operate all three with one member of the family, who's in charge of marketing and sales of all three businesses.

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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Can an s corp own an s corp

Instructions and Help about Can an s corp own an s corp

All right, well, I really appreciate you guys, James, having me here today and giving me a chance, first of all, to get out from behind my desk doing taxes. I've been working my fingers to the bone during tax season, about 14-16 hours a day, so it's kind of nice to get out and see people smiling. Most of the time, they're not smiling when they come in, they're smiling when they leave, though, because we make it fun. What I want to talk to you guys today about is how to structure your business so that you can be protected from personal liability and save the most money in taxes that's possible. This is a place where I see a lot of new businesses come in and they wait and they wait because they think in their head, "Oh, a corporation, that's something big. I'm not big, I'm just me." And when we go to do their taxes, they owe thousands and thousands of dollars. I did a tax return this morning, and this lady's been in business for ten years, just doing her own little thing, just by herself out of her home, and she owes $12,000 in self-employment tax. And I said, "You're gonna love me by the time you leave." And she said, "Why is that?" And I said, "Well, because I'm going to save you $10,000 next year. That's huge." And we're going to talk about that and whether or not it's right for you and your business. So go ahead. So when we're talking about incorporating, we're talking about a legal entity, so terminology is a little important. I try not to get hung up on terminology too much because I like to make it easy so that everybody can understand. I'm not a lawyer,...